hey everybody, it's me, ken
i'm ken callahan. you may know me as a renown clown about town, a freelance e-jester, the CEO of fools, or all of the above. this webbed zone is going to be a hub of all my projects, links, and like. just whatever else i want basically. i wanna get silly with it.

i am so, so, so excited to announce the publication of a hobby project i've been working on for the better part of a year now: History of Fools! for more information click the link in the toolbar. for a quick listen, check this shit right out below. (if you listen to or read any of these please check out the rodeo clowns one, that one is by far my favorite!):
say hi! or whatever else you wanna say! i'm a chatbox, not a cop

behold: images representative of my personality!